Monday, November 7, 2016

Bullet Journal Revisited -- Week 3

This is the third week that I have used my Bullet Journal for my portable calendar. It is working very well. I’m not particularly surprised since I loved it the first time I tried it.

What worked?


What didn’t work/was annoying?


What did I change?

I have been looking at spreads online, and even have joined a few Facebook groups of Bullet Journal users. So many of the spreads are beautifully drawn and carefully lettered and amazingly colorful. I am drawing-impaired, can’t afford to go out and buy washi tape right now, and was feeling down because my Bullet Journal just wasn’t PRETTY. It was useful and effective and certainly wasn’t UGLY – it just was NOT pretty. Then I discovered something that does NOT require drawing skill that I already own, that will make it pretty. STICKERS!!! I went a little nuts with stickers. It makes me happy and I am using my Bullet Journal all the time now, keeping it open on my desk, propped up so I can see it, and it is the last thing I grab when I am on my way out the door.

I also have been using a Habit Tracker and a NaNoWriMo word count tracker I printed from the Internet.

 What will I change?

I have a list on scraps of paper that should be in my Bullet Journal of spreads I want to consider for 2017.

General accountability:

I finished the first week of NaNoWriMo. I have written every day. I am ahead of the target word count, which is wonderful.

I am using Scrivener – AND LOVING IT.  I am using the split screen function daily. I can have research up on one side and the story on the other. It is a treat.  I have also discovered that if you click on the Chapter folder, it will give you the word count for all the scenes in the chapter. Since I call my Chapters by the Day of NaNo (Day 1, Day 2), when I am done for the day I only click on the Chapter that says that day and there is my word count. Like Magick!!

I have created a Thread on the Writing Groups and Clubs Forum on the NaNoWriMo site. It is entitled “Pom-poms and Pep Talks”. It takes much less time than cutting and pasting into direct NaNoMails for 40 people.

I hope you have a productive week! If you are participating in NaNoWriMo – write prolifically and HAVE FUN!!

Bright Blessings   – Cedar

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and – drum roll please – at my new Author page on Facebook:

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@michelle owings-chri

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