Monday, October 17, 2016

Week 6 of the Very Visual Organizer and Re-start of Bullet Journal in addition

Hello there! Sorry, this will be up so late. I have been fighting a cold for the last four days. Today, it was winning.

This week, I will be using the Very Visual Organizer because it works so well and makes me very happy. I will also be starting to use the Bullet Journal again because I need a portable calendar.

What worked?

Everything. The extra flexibility of this organizer and being able to re-arrange the post-it notes when I had to take meds and take a nap in the middle of the day is a major asset to this system.

What didn’t work/was annoying?


What did I change?

I added the third sheet, making the base three pages tall. I like it and will keep it.

What will I change?

Nothing on the Very Visual Organizer system.

I need a portable calendar now. I’m spending more time out of the house and making appointments while I am out. I also will be doing even more of that in November around National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). I am going to rejuvenate my Bullet Journal for the portable calendar.

Today, I spent four hours online, looking at Bullet Journal spreads and ideas for different collections, sheets, ways to accomplish various goals, and goal setting. Since it is already the middle of October, and I will not be using anything dramatically new in November because of NaNoWriMo, I will revisit those different ideas in December while planning for 2017. This week, I will be making additions to the very basic key I used before, and adding a sheet which I think will be very useful.

These are the items which will be in my key. (None of the symbols I spent an hour on putting in the post came out. OK. I guess I will have to describe them.)

󠇧  empty square = task                                       partly filled square = started task            
  full square = completed task         󠇧                 square with an arrow through it = migrated task 
  empty circle = event                                      filled circle =  completed event
 filled bullet = note                                           star = important 
 empty triangle, point up = appointment         filled triangle, point up = appointment finished
 !  Due/Deadline                                               telephone receiver = call
 envelope with a lightning bolt = email           question mark = explore/research
 lightning bold = idea                                       pen = write

I may also play with different colors, I don’t know yet. It is more complex than the key I was using when I first started the Bullet Journal. I think it will be more useful to me now considering all the new things going on in my life. The new page I am going to implement this week is a list of things I’m waiting for before I can act. Many posts called it a “Waiting On” list. I like Outstanding Items better, so that’s what I am going to call it. I’ll let you know how it works.

General accountability:

I have written every day this month. I’m delighted. I have gotten up by 8 AM on the days I wasn’t sick and by 10 AM on the days I was sick and went back to sleep. That’s a clear win for me!

Have a productive week!

Bright Blessings – Cedar

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and my new page for my new business venture:

I am also on Twitter:
@michelle owings-chri

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