Monday, January 9, 2017

Week 2 -- 2017

It is Week 2 of 2017. Can you imagine?

This will be a very photo intensive post. I wanted to do a video walk-through of my new Bullet Journal for 2017. However, the video on my phone doesn’t want to give me more than 20 seconds at a time. That is much too short a time. Therefore, there will be more narrative and a bunch of still photos instead. (I have a regular digital camera. I’m going to have to find it and put new batteries in it. That has the capacity of at least an hour, as I recall.)

Back in November (I think), I bought a BEAUTIFUL binder. I planned to use it for my 2017 Bullet Journal. It is much too small for the task. I now have a beautiful new binder to use for some other purpose. Here it is.

Here is the binder I am using for my Bullet Journal now. It is my favorite color. I may put a pretty paper or something inside the cover at some point. I haven’t found anything that strikes my fancy yet.

The next page is my revised Word for 2017 page. Since I found the sleeve and didn’t need the three holes punched in the page, I made a template for the page, making it a bit more even. Note, I said “a bit more even.”

Here is a photo of my tabs. I didn’t have appropriate labels – I faked it.

The first spreads in my Bullet Journal are the small monthly calendars I printed from the Internet (probably and cut up so I could have 3 on a page. The facing pages are my answer to separating birthdays and anniversaries. Before I saw the idea, the birthdays were taking over the pages and Future Planning was hopeless. I like it much better now.

Next is my Level 10 Life section. This is new for me this year. I am planning to color in the graph every quarter. I’ll report on it once I have the first quarter under my belt.  I put my Goals page first.

Next is my Level 10 Life Graph.

The last spread for Level 10 I have is the key for the color of pencils I am using for each category.

Directly following my Level 10 life key is my page of Goals for the First Quarter. I am not sure these will live here permanently. They may move to directly after my monthly calendar.

The next tab is for my Planning Routines. I tried something new for the titles – I printed a very open font and colored it in with my new Mildliners.

The next tab in my 2017 Bullet Journal has two lists of books I want to read in 2017. The first is just a plain old ordinary list. (It worked better to type it.)

The second page is a bookshelf I put together using clip art and shapes on Word. Not my best talent in the world, but I think it is cute.

Now we start getting to the CORE PRODUCTIVITY pages. First up – my Monthly Calendar for January.

 Directly following my January calendar is my Monthly Goals page for January.

The next tab is for my Weekly Spread. This is the spread I have open all the time in front of me. The timeline on the side last week made me CRAZY. (OK, I admit, CRAZIER.) I moved it to the top and I have already been using it today more than I did all last week. I think moving it was a good idea.

I like the Mildliners for the headers. Last week I used the yellow pack, which is darker than the pink pack. I think the colors in the yellow pack show up better for the headers and I will go back to those next week.

As you can see, I have put my meds on my tracker. Due to a prolonged bout of Depression, I have not taken my meds for some months. The box in which they live weighed about 3 tons. I had originally wanted to start the meds last week. It just did not work out. Today I have taken breakfast and lunch meds.

I am using the Dutch door again. I still love it. It isn’t even particularly sparkly this week, and I still love it.

This is side two of this week’s Dutch door. It is reminding me what colors I want to use to fill in my timeline and my trackers.

My next tab is for what I call “Wrap & Map.” It’s my nightly planning routine where I “wrap” the day and map out the next. I’m showing page one of last week since I don’t have any for this week until this evening.

After Wrap & Map comes the tab for my Trackers. I fill them out during Wrap & Map. I like having them in a separate tab because I refer to them throughout the day.

First is my Health Factors Tracker. I track weather and my pain levels, my neuropathy and other symptoms and my mood.

The next is my Headache Tracker. It is entitled “Migraine Tracker” but that is NOT accurate. I have migraines and I do want to track them. However, not all my headaches are migraines, and I track them all. I must change that. I have included three pictures, each a bit of a different view.

The next tracker is my Sleep Tracker. I have waves of really good nights and then I have waves of insomnia. When I saw people tracking various conditions, I decided that tracking my sleep would be a good idea. I particularly am curious to see how my sleep patterns change after surgery.

The last of my trackers is my newly revamped Word Count tracker. It used to be one page for an entire month. However, I decided to put all my projects on the form. Now I need one each week. I think it will be very useful. This week, I messed up. I forgot that I added a column for Sunday last week since it was the first of the month and I didn’t want to go looking all over creation for that day. Great idea! Except for last night, when I printed out my trackers, I FORGOT I had done that, so wound up with one more column that I don’t need!  AAARGH!  I may just fill it in with washi tape.  Clearly, I am not worried about showing you my messes. I make them, yes, I do.

Next, I have a tab for Monthly Projects. I have writing prompts in there, and anything that I might be doing special for that month.

Then I have a tab for my List Building efforts, which I am not going to show you. (If you aren’t on the list and would like to be, let me know or just sign up on the blog or on Facebook.)

The next tab is for my Blogs and Newsletter topics, etc. I haven’t got anything in that tab yet. Even if I did, I might not show you. Something should be a surprise, after all!

The next tab is my Prayer and Spiritual Journal tab. In this tab, I have a copy of my Bhride Watch schedule, my Prayer List (if I don’t write it down, it doesn’t happen – showing here is a blank form without any requests – I take my role as clergy very seriously), prayers, and my Spiritual Journal, which I am not going to show you either.

One thing in this tab that I am willing to show you is something that might get moved to a different tab, or even one of its own. Several years ago (and it resurfaced in December 2016 as well), I heard the idea of what I call “The Happy Things Jar”. Find a jar, and every time a nice thing happens, write it on a piece of paper, and put it in the jar. At the end of the year, take down the jar and read about all the happy things that happened to you during the year. I LOVE the concept. My reality is this: if I used a jar, it would get broken. Last year, I started using a box. Whatever became of the box is beyond my comprehension. This week I decided to have a spread in my BuJo for this purpose. I know it won’t get lost. I hope I keep up with it.

The last tab of my Bullet Journal thus far is for Quotes and Affirmations. I have a list of affirmations in it. They are just printed from the internet and are boring. I am working on determining how to best use them. Give me time, I’ll figure it out. I also have been collecting quotes. I have them all in one place and I have a point on my BuJo to write out three quotes a week. That way, they will eventually have their own place to live.

Thank you for your patience. I know this was a long post. If you have read this far, I appreciate it.

Have a wonderful week!

Bright Blessings   – Cedar

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and – drum roll please – at my new Author page on Facebook:

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@michelle owings-chri

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